If you plan on buying abortion pills locally, there are a few important tips that we would like to share with you. Sometimes buying pills locally can be hard as you can never be sure of their quality or if they are real or not. Also, they tend to be very expensive. Below are some tips to think about while buying abortion pills. If you are trying to buy the Abortion pills locally, you might have some difficulty in finding it. This is because it is not registered in many countries, especially where abortion is illegal, and therefore not in pharmacies. This means that most of the time when you find pill, in the illegal market for example, it is not real. There is no way for us or for you to know if the pill is real just by looking at it. This is because there are different brands and therefore different shapes, sizes and shades. The only way of knowing for sure is if the Pill is still in its original package. If that’s the case, check the expiration date.